Consultants aim to become the bridge between you and your immigration dream

“Singapore transcends its size, encompassing boundless aspirations.” The captivating urban landscapes, abundant recreational avenues, and thriving career prospects coalesce into an unparalleled quality of life. Seamlessly integrating nature, both residents and visitors relish an invigorating and wholesome lifestyle. This city-state offers a profusion of career pathways waiting to be explored.


Ready to embark on your journey to Singapore? Contact us today and let our experienced team guide you through the immigration process with ease and confidence.

Here are the reasons why Immigration to Singapore can be beneficial decision for you

Education Excellence:

Benefit from top-tier educational institutions that equip you with skills and knowledge to excel in a globalized world.

Work-Life Balance:

Singapore is known for its excellent work-life balance. The country values leisure time and encourages employees to maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life. Flexible working arrangements and generous vacation policies are common, allowing individuals to enjoy their personal pursuits outside of work.

Cultural Harmony:

Singapore's multicultural society offers a harmonious blend of cultures, languages, and traditions, creating an enriching environment for personal growth.

Economic Powerhouse:

Experience a thriving economy and job market with a strong emphasis on innovation and technological advancement.

Quality of Life:

Singapore's modern infrastructure, efficient public services, and cosmopolitan lifestyle contribute to a high quality of life.


Access world-class healthcare services that prioritize your well-being, providing comprehensive medical care.

We understand what you feel before making your choice or decision, we are here to help you with your queries

Application Process for a Singapore Study Visa

Applying for a Singapore Study Visa involves a step-by-step procedure that ensures a smooth entry into the country for your educational pursuits.

Step 1: Receive Acceptance from an Institute of Higher Learning (IHL)

To begin the process, secure admission at an Institute of Higher Learning (IHL) that is recognized and approved by Singaporean authorities. Your enrollment at an approved IHL is a prerequisite for eligibility for a Student Pass.

Step 2: Apply for Student Pass via SOLAR System

Eligible international students are required to initiate their Student Pass application through the Student’s Pass Online Application System (SOLAR) on the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) website.

Step 3: Obtain Personalized Application Number

Once deemed eligible, your chosen IHL will provide you with a personalized application number to access the SOLAR platform.

Step 4: Complete the Application

Log in to SOLAR using the provided application number and complete the required application, primarily the eForm16. Ensure you retain a copy of the completed forms, as these will be necessary for submission at the ICA center in Singapore.

Step 5: Payment of Visa Fee

Before submitting your application, make the necessary payment for the standardized Singapore Study Visa fee.

Step 6: Await Decision

Expect a processing period of approximately two weeks for the Singapore Study Visa application to be reviewed and processed.

Step 7: Receive In-Principle Approval (IPA)

Upon successful processing, you will receive an In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter. This letter acts as a temporary Student Pass and permits entry into Singapore.

Step 8: Receive Visit Pass upon Entry

Display your IPA letter to officials at the Singapore port of entry. Upon verification, you will be granted a Visit Pass, allowing you to enter Singapore.

Step 9: Collect Official Student Pass

After arriving in Singapore, you'll need to visit the ICA center to collect your official Student Pass. During this visit, be prepared to submit the aforementioned required documents.

Guiding Your Path to Singapore: Novastride Immisolution's Visa Expertise

The aspiration to begin a new chapter in Singapore, a hub of diverse opportunities and enriching experiences, brings individuals together in their pursuit of a brighter tomorrow. Novastride Immisolution, a leading immigration consultancy, serves as a reliable compass for those nurturing dreams of securing a Singaporean visa.

Why ChooseNovastride Immisolution?

At Novastride Immisolution, we understand that securing a Singaporean visa is more than a transaction—it’s the realization of your aspirations. Our commitment to your success sets us apart:

1. Unmatched Expertise:

Our experienced immigration consultants possess an in-depth understanding of Singapore's immigration landscape, ensuring your application process is meticulous and streamlined.

2. Personalized Approach:

We recognize that each individual's journey is unique. Our services are tailored to cater to your goals, offering solutions that are a perfect fit for your specific circumstances.

3. End-to-End Support:

From initial consultation to post-arrival assistance, we provide comprehensive support throughout your journey. Our commitment extends beyond visas, encompassing settling into Singaporean life seamlessly.

4. Transparency:

We believe in open communication. Our transparent approach ensures you're well-informed about the entire process, from requirements to costs and timelines.

5. In-Depth Local Insights:

Novastride Immisolution brings you more than just visa expertise. Our team includes individuals who have lived and worked in Singapore, offering you invaluable insights into the local culture, lifestyle, and business landscape

6. Efficiency and Timeliness:

We understand the importance of time in your visa journey. Novastride Immisolution's streamlined processes and thorough understanding of Singapore's immigration system ensure that your application is prepared accurately and submitted promptly.

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Consultants accomplishes your process of getting a Visa simply. Why to worry when we are here

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